Migrating birds passing through CVP

CONTACT: 410-887-2503
Migrating birds passing through CVP
Migrating birds passing through CVP
All throughout the park wildlife is readying to produce the next generation.
The evening rains added to a vernal pool formed along the floodplain of Minebank Run
The southern flying squirrel is common in our forested habitats but rarely noticed.
The southern flying squirrel is common in our forested habitats but rarely noticed.
The roar of the cicadas reaches a deafening pitch as the late spring temperature matches summer time highs. The boldly clad Baltimore Oriole perched at the top of a sycamore tree let’s loose a call that is answered by a female feeding young at the nest. Lower in the tree a male orchard oriole quietly searches for insects among the…
Cromwell Valley Park has seen many changes these past two and a half months. While visiting the park, I’m sure you have noticed that benches and tables have been restricted, gathering in large groups is prohibited, and organized activities have been cancelled, just as examples. Everywhere you look, a great many things have been put on hold. Thankfully…