THE PARK IS OPEN FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET. Gates will be locked shortly after sunset.
No bicycles are permitted on our trails. The Park office may be reached at 410-887-2503.
Our Mission
The Cromwell Valley Park Council (CVPC) is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the stewardship of Cromwell Valley Park as a public space for passive recreation and School Programs. The CVPC works in cooperation with the Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks and other entities to maintain, preserve and protect the natural environment and historic structures in the Park.
Your Membership & Donations Matter
For Memberships or Donations, you may either use this website or our on-line registration system. Please note all memberships and donations to Cromwell Valley Park Council are 100% put back into Cromwell Valley Park. Thank you from Cromwell Valley Park Council, Inc.
Upcoming Events
Habitat Restoration – Weed Warrior Volunteer
Join our Habitat Restoration Team for 2 hours from 2pm – 4pm. We will remove invasive plants from the park and in warmer weather, also plant natives and maintain restored habitat – great opportunities for high school students for community service and volunteers who like to work outdoors.
Join the Park Council
The Cromwell Valley Park Council (CPVC) is a volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the stewardship of Cromwell Valley Park as a public space for passive recreation and School Programs. The CVPC works in cooperation with the Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks and other entities to maintain, preserve and protect the natural environment and historic structures in the Park.